First Court of Appeals

Original Proceedings 

Original proceedings should be first presented to the Clerk for assignment to either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals.

At the time an original proceeding is filed in either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals, the relator must file a notice indicating whether a related appeal or original proceeding has been previously filed in either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals. The notice shall include the caption, trial court case number, and appellate court case number of the related appeal or original proceeding.

A non-Texas-licensed attorney who resides outside of Texas and wishes to participate in an original proceeding must receive permission from this Court to participate in the case. See R. Governing Admission to Tex. Bar XIX; see also Tex. Gov't Code Ann. § 82.0361 (Vernon 2005) (requiring payment of $250 fee to Texas Board of Law Examiners for each pro hac vice admission). Because the Texas Board of Law Examiners will not process an application for pro hac admission without a case number for the original proceeding, the petition may be filed with the Clerk of this Court with the note "Application for pro hac admission pending" appearing under the attorney's name. Once the Board has issued an acknowledgement letter, the attorney must promptly file the (1) motion by non-Texas-licensed attorney who resides outside of Texas for permission to participate in appellate proceeding and (2) motion by resident Texas-licensed attorney in support of motion by non-Texas-licensed attorney who resides outside of Texas for permission to participate in appellate proceeding.

For more information on original proceedings, see Local Rule 1, Contact, Civil Filings Problems, Forms, and the "Fees" menu item under Practice Before the Court.